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Omnibus Surveys

Our Omnibus is an affordable purchasing solution for businesses that need to quickly uncover consumer trends, buying behaviors, & power

What is an Omnibus Survey?

An omnibus survey is a method of quantitative marketing research where data on a wide variety of subjects is collected during the same interview.  While sharing the common demographic data collected from each respondent.

Omnibus Surveys are normally large-scale market research surveys covering a nationally representative sample that contain several questions on a wide range of topics.

Frequently Asked Questions about Omnibus Surveys

  • Close-Ended Questions: $1250 each
  • Open-Ended Questions: $1500 each
  • Additional $250 for Coding of Open-Ended Questions
  • Minimum 3 Question Requirement per Omnibus Survey

Our Online Omnibus survey is conducted once per month, with scheduling adjusted for holidays.

You can expect to receive your Omnibus results within just 4 weeks from the start of the survey.

Absolutely! Your survey responses are strictly confidential and will not be shared with other clients. Your data remains exclusively yours. Also, Robas is GDPR compliant and also compliant with other countrys’ data privacy laws.

Advantages of Omnibus Surveys:


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Omnibus surveys offer a shared-cost model, enabling businesses to access valuable insights at a fraction of the price of traditional market research methods. By pooling resources with other clients, companies can conduct surveys economically while still receiving robust data.
  • Efficiency and Timeliness: With omnibus surveys, data collection and analysis occur simultaneously, resulting in a quick turnaround time. Businesses can obtain timely insights into consumer trends, behaviors, and preferences, allowing for agile decision-making and proactive responses to market dynamics.
  •    Diverse Data Collection: Omnibus surveys cover a wide range of topics within a single survey instrument. This versatility allows businesses to explore multiple research objectives simultaneously, saving time and resources compared to conducting separate studies for each topic.
    • Representative Sampling: Omnibus surveys typically target nationally representative samples, ensuring that findings accurately reflect the broader population. By collecting data from diverse demographic groups, businesses can make informed decisions that resonate with their target audience.
  • Disadvantages of Omnibus Surveys:

  • Limited Customization: Due to the shared nature of omnibus surveys, businesses have limited control over survey design and question formulation. This constraint may restrict the depth and specificity of data collected, particularly for organizations with unique research requirements or niche markets.
  • Competitive Insights: Since multiple clients contribute to omnibus surveys, there is a risk of competitors gaining access to similar data insights. This shared information may diminish the strategic advantage derived from survey findings, especially in highly competitive industries where differentiation is critical.
  • Potential Response Bias: Despite efforts to ensure sample representativeness, omnibus surveys may still be susceptible to response bias. Factors such as survey fatigue, respondent demographics, and question wording can influence participant responses, potentially skewing the accuracy and reliability of survey results.
  • Limited Depth of Analysis: While omnibus surveys provide broad insights across various topics, they may lack the depth required for nuanced analysis or in-depth exploration of specific research questions. Businesses seeking comprehensive understanding or detailed segmentation may find omnibus surveys insufficient for their needs.